Welcome to my I Dream of Jeannie fansite!!! I hope you enjoy your visit... Happy New Year!! I hope the new year brings everyone health and happiness... Happy Holidays!!
 Updated January 30, 2004
Added 1 new FL code: Eunice Higgins
Season 1 of IDOJ is now on TV LAND!! Check it out Monday-Saturday 10:30 AM EST
JEANNIE WORLD IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION... It'll be done in a *blink*, don't worry...I'll be adding more stuff, and changing a lot of it, too.. I'll ALWAYS be adding new pages...Don't forget to join my Official Fanlisting for The Wedding! Right now adding big things is on hold, I have lots of studying to do and I only have time to add little things like fanlisting codes and the updating the TV schedule stuff.. but after this whole mess with school passes I'll be able to add all the pages I wanted to add.. By the way, if you have any fanfic you'd like me to add here I'd love for you to email me (cubanchic113@yahoo.com) I'm going to start a Fanfiction page, so I'm looking for writers! *Blink in again*
Please sign The Genie Journal!!
Check out my live journal: http://www.livejournal.com/~modgenie
Also, be sure to check out my newest fanlisting for Desi Arnaz: https://jeannieworld.tripod.com/desiarnaz